Business Administration Postgraduate Program

Take your ambition, professionalism and leadership skills to the next level with our Business Administration Postgraduate Program. You’ll be prepared for career opportunities in a wide range of business environments, including sales, marketing, retail, insurance, manufacturing and government. You’ll have the skills and knowledge to pursue a career within an established business or start a business of your very own!

Oxford College’s Business Administration Postgraduate Program prepares you for the multi-faceted responsibilities of working in business, including:

  • Preparing documents and applying procedures to support an organization’s global supply chain
  • Evaluate the impact of statutory and regulatory compliance on trade initiatives
  • Develop and present an international business plan
  • Manage and evaluate team projects using management principles
  • Select and apply current technologies to support trade initiatives
  • And much more!

We listen to employers tell us and regularly update our curriculum to reflect the most relevant challenges and concerns in today’s ever-changing business environments. You’ll graduate with the management, leadership and negotiation skills that today’s employers demand. Use our online form to contact us today!

At Oxford College, you’ll receive:

  • Skill-building and hands-on training that help prepare you for an exciting new career path
  • Quality education provided by expert instructors with experience in their field
  • A supportive and inclusive learning environment with students who share your commitment and interests
  • Lifelong career services that include resume and cover-letting writing assistance, employment search strategies, networking tips and more

Use our online form to get more information about our Business Administration Postgraduate Program, including admissions requirements, financial aid options, program lengths and more. We’ll show you how easily you can put yourself on the path to a promising career in a field you love!

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